Online Marketing
Indigo Search Engine Optimisation / Terms & Conditions
Indigo Ideas Ltd trading as "Indigo Ideas Ltd" agrees to furnish search engine marketing services to the customer, subject to the following Terms of Service. Use of our services constitutes acceptance and agreement to our Terms of Service.
The Terms of Service may be modified from time to time at the discretion of Indigo Ideas Ltd. The
customer understands that change to the policies by Indigo Ideas Ltd shall not be grounds for early
termination or non-payment of search engine marketing services. These Terms of Service shall be
construed in all respects to be in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain,
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
1. Tenure of Service - The customer agrees that the tenure for the search engine marketing services is for 1 (one) year.
2. Nature of Service - The customer agrees that the search engine marketing service offered is a budget service offering guarantees on a minimum level of performance expected for each search engine marketing package.
2.1 Indigo Ideas Ltd will work hard to achieve top positions based on the package purchased. Although Easy Internet Services will endeavour to achieve these positions, no guarantees are offered or implied that these positions will be achieved or maintained with the exception of the Rank 3 and Rank Elite packages, unless we have agreed in writing that no guarantees can be offered on the Rank 3 or the Rank Elite package.
2.2. The Guaranteed top ten listings featured on the Rank Elite, Rank 3, Rank 2, and Rank 1 packages guarantees positions in the or Google UK or or or or search index unless otherwise specified. The position and the keyword used are at Indigo Ideas Ltd discretion.
2.3. Should all recommendations made by Easy Internet Services not be implemented, all guarantees will be forfeited.
2.4. The customer agrees optimisation is based on the keywords agreed between Indigo Ideas Ltd and the customer. The customer therefore acknowledges the importance of choosing and prioritising the keywords that the customer and Indigo Ideas Ltd wish to target.
2.5. The customer agrees that listings will appear within as many search engines and directories as possible whether the search engine or directory is UK or International.
2.6. The customer agrees that where applicable, any time-sensitive guarantees commence once the order has been confirmed and payment cleared.
2.7. The customer agrees that where applicable, any guarantees are subject to Indigo Ideas Ltd having access to optimise the website or if access is not allowed; all recommended changes must be carried out to the satisfaction of Indigo Ideas Ltd. Should the customers’ site be totally inaccessible, Indigo Ideas Ltd reserves the right to use advanced search engine positioning techniques to secure the necessary positions.
2.8. Once the customers’ website has been optimised the, customer agrees that they are responsible to ensure the optimisation work carried out by Indigo Ideas Ltd is not overwritten by either the customer or any third party Once the customers’ website has been optimised the, customer agrees that they are responsible to ensure the optimisation work carried out by Indigo Ideas Ltd is not overwritten by either the customer or any third party
2.9. The customer agrees that in the event that the optimisation work is overwritten by either the customer or any third party to contact Easy Internet Solutions Ltd immediately. The customer agrees that Indigo Ideas Ltd may, at its discretion, apply an additional charge of £25 +VAT for restoration and remedial work required.
2.10. In the event of the customer not being satisfied, they can cancel at any time; refunds are discretionary. We cannot guarantee the amount of traffic being generated to the site.
2.11. The customer agrees that any decision regarding any re-optimisation made by Indigo Ideas Ltd will be final and agrees that no further action will be taken to challenge the decision.
2.12. Should the customer ask to add keywords that were not originally agreed upon, Indigo Ideas Ltd will agree on the acceptance from the customer that no guarantees will apply to the additional keywords.
2.13. The customer agrees guaranteed top ten (10) positions in Google UK or Google International are offered under the same basis as the guaranteed top ten (10) positions within a six (6) months to twelve (12) months period from the date the site is submitted as defined in sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 of the Terms of Service.
2.14. Indigo Ideas Ltd agrees any guaranteed positions will be maintained throughout the tenure of the service.
2.15. The customer agrees that while Indigo Ideas Ltd endeavours to exceed any guarantees, positions achieved beyond the scope of any guarantees are not guaranteed to be maintained as part of the search engine marketing services.
2.16. The customer agrees that Indigo Ideas Ltd does not own nor control the search engines or directories. The customer understands that should a search engine refuse to accept the customer’s website for inclusion, regardless of any fees paid for submission, a refund will not be taken against Indigo Ideas Ltd.
2.17. With Yahoo Site Match (YSM) an additional optional top-up fee may be paid on a quarterly or 6 monthly basis depending upon the package signed up. The top up fee is an estimate of a potential charge and time scale depending upon the customers’ success.
NOTE: This is the only way of securing and sustaining a listing in Yahoo, Altavista, Fast and All The Web. If you choose not to top-up the account, the listings will automatically be deactivated by Yahoo once the PPC fund runs out and any positions may be lost.
2.18. The guaranteed inbound links featured on the Rank 2, Rank 3 and Rank Elite packages will be obtained for the customer by Indigo Ideas Ltd. The methods used to obtain the links will be at the discretion of Easy Internet Services. These methods will not be detrimental to the customer, their site or Business.
3. Termination and suspension of agreement - If an agreement is stopped, paused or cancelled for non-payment or lack of communication, or terminated by 123 Ranking or the customer, 123 Ranking reserve the right to remove any (and all) changes we have made to your site, and return it to a state comparable to that which you provided us. We will not, at this time, change the outward appearance of the site, or any of the body content.
3.2 If an agreement is stopped, paused or cancelled for non-payment, or lack of communication, or terminated by 123 Ranking or the customer at any time, this will result in all ad-words, submissions and sitemaps also being cancelled.
3.3 Should you not allow 123 Ranking to access your site, you must, on termination of your contract, remove all changes implemented by 123 Ranking from your site, within 48 hours.
5. The Data Protection Act (1998) - Indigo Ideas Ltd is registered under The Data Protection Act (1998). The customer agrees and consents, by agreeing with these Terms of Service, to have personal information stored for the purpose of processing said information in order to provide the services required by the customer. Indigo Ideas Ltd is bound by the Act to disclose any and all customer information to any law enforcement agent who makes a written request without further consent or notification to the customer.
5.1 Indigo Ideas Ltd may from time to time use your information for our own marketing purposes until such time as you ask us not to.
6. Service Rates - The customer acknowledges that the nature of the service furnished and the initial rates and charges have been communicated to the customer. The customer agrees that the Indigo Ideas Ltd may change the specified rates and charges from time to time. The specified rates and charges will remain to the customer for the duration of the current Tenure of Service and will not take effect until renewal of the search engine marketing services.
7. Payment - The customer agrees that establishment of search engine marketing services is dependent upon receipt by Indigo Ideas Ltd of payment of stated charges. Customers who choose an option which allows for payment to be made throughout the tenure of the service, either quarterly or monthly, agree to ensure that payments are received as requested throughout the Tenure of Service and understand that failure of payment will lead to all services with Indigo Ideas Ltd and Easy Internet Solutions Ltd being suspended. Credit card payment methods on either a quarterly or monthly basis are automatically deducted from the customers’ credit or debit card on the appropriate scheduled dates via 'World Pay' once the customer has agreed either verbally or in writing to accept the order and terms and conditions. Acceptance by writing is agreeing to place the order and paying the initial setup fee. Customers can choose to pay by standing order, either monthly or quarterly. By choosing this option the customer agrees to pay the set-up fee either by cheq12ue or credit/debit card, it is the customer's responsibility to set up the standing order with their bank and to ensure they inform Indigo Ideas Ltd of dates. Any payment requests that fail may incur an additional £25 +VAT administration fee at the discretion of Indigo Ideas Ltd.
7.1 It is down to Indigo Ideas Ltd discretion on whether an additional charge of 2% is payable where a customer’s credit card fails due to the customer's limits exceeding on their credit card.
8. Refund and Disputes - All overcharges or billing disputes must be reported within 30 days of the time the dispute occurred.
8.1. Indigo Ideas Ltd agrees to allow the customer to end their search engine marketing services at any time. The customer agrees that, should they choose to end their search engine marketing services, to forfeit all refunds. Any refund requested from the customer based on their own decision to leave will be entirely at the discretion of Indigo Ideas Ltd.
8.2. Customers who choose an option which includes a guaranteed Google listing within twenty-four (24) hours agree, that due to the nature of the listing, all money paid for the listing are exempt from all refunds (including refunds from any guarantees) and agree to take no action to dispute this.
8.3. Indigo Ideas Ltd agrees the Rank 3 guaranteed top ten (10) positions in Google UK offers a 100% refund of the annual fee paid (minus the setup fee of £150) if this guarantee is not met. If Indigo Ideas Ltd agrees to a refund, 100% of the annual fee paid shall be refunded (minus the setup fee of £150). Customers who choose an option which allows for payment to be made monthly throughout the tenure of the service agree that 100% of the monthly payments paid for search engine marketing services constitutes half (100%) of the annual fee paid for search engine marketing services and that a refund of 100% of these payments shall be acceptable redemption under the guarantee. The customer agrees to continue payments as per Section 6 of the Terms of Service.
8.4. If the customer feels entitled to a refund under a guarantee then the customer agrees to make a written request which will then be considered.
8.5. The customer agrees that the method of refund will be at the discretion of Indigo Ideas Ltd.
8.6. The customer agrees that any decision regarding any refund made by Indigo Ideas Ltd will be final and agrees no further action will be taken to challenge the decision
8.7. Indigo Ideas Ltd offers a two stage money-back guarantee. One at 90 days under a specified search term and the other at 180 days. Note that once we fulfil our 90 day guarantee, in the unlikely event of us not making our 180 day guarantee we will refund 100% of the money paid (bar any setup fees) between months 3 to 6. Customers who have paid in advance will be refunded for the full six months plus 45 days (seven and half months).
Amendments to the above Terms and Conditions:
30-06-2006 : Added section 3, Termination and Suspension of Agreement
08-09-2008 : Added paragraph 8.7, The Two-Part Money-Back Guarantee
20-07-2011 : Added paragraph 5.1